
Finally the integrated ecommerce platform you were looking for.

Website Configurator

Get a stunning online store in easy steps

Building blocks

Drag & drop building blocks with business features. Customize blocks from the content to the layout.

Mobile Friendly

Website content is automatically adapted to mobile devices : no complex backend to deal with.

Sell products online

Create and display different pricelists according to your customer's profile or insurance.

B2B store

Make the shop only accessible for allowed users, and display different pricelists.

Lead Generation

Use the visitors tracking system to generate new leads.


Send delivery requests directly to your suppliers.

Product Reviews

Let people review and rate your products by commenting.

Maximize Revenues

Accessories & Suggested Products

Upsell your customers by suggesting complementary products during the buying process.

Abandoned carts

Trigger marketing automation on abandoned carts to convert them into orders.

Email Marketing Campaigns

Get visitors' emails and send automated promotional actions to your customers.

Email Templates

Create customized email templates to reach your customers.

Link Tracker

Add a tracking code to your URLs and measure all your marketing campaigns from the first click to the final sale.

Realtime Interaction

Track your visitors in real time and connect to the most interesting ones in a single click: push notification, live chat, SMS, etc. Answer your visitors' questions instantly with live chat. Messages pop up on your system.

Coupon & Codes

Encourage potential customers to use promo codes and coupons.


Visitors get instant access to their documents such as invoices, appointments

Search Bar

Find products easily by using the integrated search bar.


Shoppers can add products to a wishlist. Returning customers will use it to buy their favorite items faster.

Easy Checkout Process

The checkout process is straightforward. Add extra custom steps if needed.


Allow customers to pay with with credit card using or payment processor

Google Analytics Integration

Know your customers' behavior and get information on your acquisition channels, demographics, number of visitors, etc.


The next actions to do are available on the dashboard: orders to invoice, payments to receive, shoppers to revive, etc.

Customizable Graphs

Display a graph with your weekly, monthly or annual sales per product and add it to your dashboard.